Tuesday, October 27, 2009

lets hope for a happy halloween ;)

hoping to head to Noles for a happy halloween break for our annual Halloween get to gether :) always fun we just hang out and give candy to strangers :P
guess we never listened to our parents when they told us "remember Never give candy to strangers" or something like that any ways LAWLBURGERSONFIRE!!!

HAppy Halloween Peeps and Peepets!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

to be or not to be... that is indeed the question

ok IM gonna let you in on a little secret... I've always felt more like a girl then a guy... I even where girl PJ's to bed. (well the pants part any ways..)
I've never felt right having a penis in fact I've always felt It looked quite ugly and even uglier when well standing..
any ways as of late I've been thinking of transitioning (meaning going from Male 2 female)
so much so THat I've joined a few transgender sites (sites that i wont disclose do to confentuality (mind my bad spelling lol))
Well to say the least I have no idea where to start..
On monday IM hoping to make a few calls
I may start wearing more fem clothes around the house Maybe even outside (unfortionitly the street I'm on is Homophobic to say the very least)
well Thats an update for now :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

thanksgiving dinner

today i had thanksgiving dinner with my girlfriends family lets just say it was a whole lot of fun ^_^
I'll tell you all ready?

Well at ten oclock am i avrived at my Girlfriends house lots of silly arguments between a few of the people there but were settled and realy amounted to frantic minds getting ready for the dinner

at 1:45 the aunts and uncles arived and some of the grandparents We Kimbobs and lots of turky lotsa turky but i enjoyed the Kimbobs the most they were delicius
So ya i had lots of fun today ^^

Kori Out

Saturday, October 11, 2008

tomorow will be a great day

yes you read that right tomorow will be a great day because Im going to my girlfriends place for thanksgiving dinner YAY!
turky day is one of my faviriout days of the year next to Yule and my birthday ^^
so Im realy exited
Any ways I died my hair black Doesnt look half bad but im kinda wishing i had died it brown (my natural color)...
but alas its black im hoping to get my hair a bit longer so i can tie it back (i can tie the back part but the bangs still hang in my face
oh well

any ways hope you all are having a great week ^^